Insights & Analysis

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Private Equity

Osceola Unites Mountain West Facility Services

By Nikitha Sattiraju
Published: May 26th, 2023
The lower middle market firm’s four-year-old platform Tendit is chasing add-ons across seven different exterior commercial facility services in states such as Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming and Idaho, partner Patrick Watkins told The Deal.

New Buyback Reporting Rules May Expose Deal Talks

By Ronald Orol
Published: May 25th, 2023
New rules from the SEC requiring more detailed disclosures on share repurchases by insiders could provide a window into confidential information about dealmaking for activists and other shareholders.

Activist Investing Today: EY’s Hunker Eyes 2023 Proxy Season

By Ronald Orol
Published: May 24th, 2023
The shareholder activism defense leader at Ernst & Young explains why ESG proponents and second-tier activists may be reticent to launch director contests, while brand-name insurgents can ‘weather the storm.’

Deal Diary: TPG Turns to Weil on Angelo Gordon Deal

By David Marcus
Published: May 16th, 2023
TPG relies on Weil, Davis Polk, Shearman, Cleary, Ardea, JPM and Morgan Stanley on a $2.7 billion deal for Angelo Gordon, which uses Paul Weiss, Goldman and Piper Sandler.
Private Equity

Fumigation Chems Maker Douglas Returns to Block

By Tom Terrarosa
Published: May 2nd, 2023
Altamont Capital Partners has stuck with Evercore and put the fumigation chemicals supplier back on the auction block, The Deal has learned.