Insights & Analysis

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BlackRock, Voting and Insurgencies

By Ronald Orol
Published: March 24th, 2022
Advisers offer mixed views about whether the index fund manager’s plans to give 850 big institutional clients with $1.5 trillion in assets the power to vote shares will help activists win director contests.

Share Lending Under Fire

By Ronald Orol
Published: March 22nd, 2022
A regulatory proposal requiring big index fund managers and other institutional investors to disclose share lending programs could upend short selling activism and drive an uptick in ESG voting.

New Era for Proxy Fights

By Ronald Orol
Published: March 21st, 2022
Advisers to corporations and activists have strongly divergent views about a new SEC rule concerning universal proxy cards.

Whiting, Oasis Finally Link Up in Bakken

By Tom Terrarosa
Published: March 21st, 2022
The pair announce a $6 billion merger after The Deal predicted in August that the companies had arrived at the perfect place to enact a long-anticipated combination.