Insights & Analysis

Industry insights that are curated and delivered to inform your dealmaking strategies. We select the most relevant information, providing a consistent, convenient source for exclusive intelligence and analysis.

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Drinks With The Deal Podcast: Penn's David Skeel

By David Marcus
Published: May 14th, 2020
David Skeel, a bankruptcy professor at the University of Pennsylvania, talks about his work with the Puerto Rico Oversight Board, lessons from 2008 and his thoughts on the potential fallout from the coronavirus.

Covid Webcast: Cash Is King, Control a Bonus

By Tom Terrarosa
Published: May 14th, 2020
In a discussion hosted by The Deal in partnership with Edelman, dealmakers weighed in on the new landscape of their industries amid the Covid-19 pandemic, who is best positioned to do deals and how.

Big Funds Bet on DraftKings PIPE

By Paul Springer
Published: May 8th, 2020
Caledonia and Capital Research are among the investors betting on a $304 million PIPE that helps take one of the world’s premier online gambling concerns public via a SPAC acquisition.

Companies May Regret Rejecting Pre-Covid Deals

By Tom Terrarosa
Published: May 8th, 2020
Those companies that rebuffed suitors offering premiums in the 10th straight year of market expansion may find themselves easy pickings when activist campaigns return in full force.

Activist Investing Today: Goldstein Targets Fund Bylaws

By Ronald Orol
Published: May 7th, 2020
Activist investor Phil Goldstein of Bulldog Investors believes a recent SEC decision upholding closed-end fund Dividend & Income's right to ignore a shareholder proposal poses a broader threat to investor rights.
Private Equity

Apollo, Silver Lake Provide Expedia With Voucher

By Chris Nolter
Published: May 6th, 2020
The online travel group raised $1.2 billion through a sale of preferred stock to Apollo and Silver Lake. Expedia is also raising $2 billion in debt.

‘Coronavirus Risk’ Enters M&A Lexicon

By David Hatch
Published: May 5th, 2020
Uncertainty posed by the pandemic is reshaping negotiations, upending timelines, altering strategies and killing transactions.