Insights & Analysis

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Elliott Picks Apart SEC Case on Disclosures

By Ronald Orol
Published: July 24th, 2023
Draft regulations requiring faster activist disclosures are supported by corporate lobbyists and retailer investors, though the measure faces at least one big detractor: Paul Singer.

Activists Seek REIT Renovations

By Ronald Orol
Published: July 21st, 2023
Investor attempts to block mergers, launch hostile bids and remove convoluted board and management structures are on the rise as the real estate industry remains volatile and old habits die hard.

SEC Evaluation of Swap Disclosures Misguided

By Ronald Orol
Published: July 20th, 2023
Data provided by the commission isn’t useful in identifying how the commission’s derivatives disclosure rule would impact fund strategies, advisers on both sides of activist situations agree.

Activists Get Crafty to Circumvent Candidate Crackdown

By Ronald Orol
Published: June 26th, 2023
As companies implement tougher dissident director qualification bylaws, activists are trying a variety of proxy contest strategies, such as nominating more candidates than there are available seats.

New Buyback Reporting Rules May Expose Deal Talks

By Ronald Orol
Published: May 25th, 2023
New rules from the SEC requiring more detailed disclosures on share repurchases by insiders could provide a window into confidential information about dealmaking for activists and other shareholders.

Activist Investing Today: EY’s Hunker Eyes 2023 Proxy Season

By Ronald Orol
Published: May 24th, 2023
The shareholder activism defense leader at Ernst & Young explains why ESG proponents and second-tier activists may be reticent to launch director contests, while brand-name insurgents can ‘weather the storm.’