Insights & Analysis

Industry insights that are curated and delivered to inform your dealmaking strategies. We select the most relevant information, providing a consistent, convenient source for exclusive intelligence and analysis.

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Behind the Buyouts: EQT's Brown Pivots From Microsoft to EU Tech

By Steve Gelsi
Published: September 29th, 2021
EQT Growth head Marc Brown said EQT's desire as a firm to do well financially while promoting diversity and inclusion appealed to him as he looked to start a new phase of his career after 20 years working on M&A deals at Microsoft.

Fresh Start: Hilco's Ian Fredericks

By Stephanie Gleason
Published: September 16th, 2021
The Hilco Merchant Resources president discusses the business of liquidation and the outlook for retail in the fourth quarter.

Drinks With The Deal: NYU's Rob Jackson and Yale's John Morley

By David Marcus
Published: September 16th, 2021
Rob Jackson, a former SEC commissioner and current NYU Law professor, and John Morley, a professor at Yale Law School, say SPACs should be treated more stringently by the SEC and discuss their current research projects.

Drinks With The Deal: Freshfields' Ethan Klingsberg

By David Marcus
Published: August 19th, 2021
Ethan Klingsberg, head of U.S. corporate and M&A at Freshfields, discusses the pressures that increased antitrust scrutiny has put on dealmaking and how companies can respond.