Insights & Analysis

Industry insights that are curated and delivered to inform your dealmaking strategies. We select the most relevant information, providing a consistent, convenient source for exclusive intelligence and analysis.

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Activist Investing Today: Minow Contrasts Gordon Gekko, Engine No. 1

By Ronald Orol
Published: June 11th, 2021
The former activist investor and ex-president of Institutional Shareholder Services explains why insurgent fund managers no longer must resemble the corporate raider-type character portrayed in 'Wall Street' when considering director contests.

Drinks With The Deal: O'Melveny's David Makarechian

By David Marcus
Published: June 3rd, 2021
David Makarechian, who heads the emerging technologies group and the northern California corporate department at O’Melveny & Myers, compares today's tech market with that of the late 1990s and discusses his work with Silicon Catalyst and his love of Singapore street food.

Activist Investing Today: Rose on Robovoting, Proxy Fights

Published: May 27th, 2021
The associate dean for strategic initiatives at Ohio State University talks about his new study on the relationship between big investors and proxy advisers as well as his view that the activist investment movement wouldn’t exist in its current form without the help of proxy advisers.

Drinks With The Deal: Skadden's Ann Beth Stebbins

By David Marcus
Published: May 20th, 2021
Stebbins discusses her work with Gucci, Westfield and Apax; her thoughts about building and strengthening client relationships; and her deep ties to Georgetown on this week's Drinks With The Deal podcast.

Drinks With The Deal: Electricity Grid Expert Julie Cohn

By David Marcus
Published: April 29th, 2021
Julie Cohn, author of a leading history of the electricity grid, discusses the February power outages in Texas as well as how the grid might change in this week's Drinks With The Deal.

Drinks With The Deal: Mayer Brown's David Carpenter

By David Marcus
Published: April 15th, 2021
Carpenter, the co-head of Mayer Brown's New York corporate and securities practice, talks about his work for Nestlé, his love of wine and his involvement with SommTV in the latest episode of the podcast.