Insights & Analysis

Industry insights that are curated and delivered to inform your dealmaking strategies. We select the most relevant information, providing a consistent, convenient source for exclusive intelligence and analysis.

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Digital Infrastructure Driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution

By Capacity Media Staff
Published: May 14th, 2021
Digital Infra Leaders Europe will unite the finance & investment communities with digital infrastructure leaders to address Europe's connectivity challenges and drive investment, through thought-leadership and high-level networking.

Private Equity Seeks to Shape Car Wash Industry Future

By Tom Terrarosa
Published: February 5th, 2021
Private equity is not new to the car wash business, but combination of technological and marketing advancements made in recent years means the highly fragmented industry is ripe for renewed sponsor interest.

Drinks With The Deal: Fried Frank's Amber Banks

By David Marcus
Published: February 5th, 2021
The M&A and private equity partner discusses the challenges of being a lawyer from a nontraditional background and how law firms can become more welcoming places for women and minorities in this week's Drinks With The Deal podcast.