“You should always look for two mentors in every situation you’re experiencing,” Scott Luftglass said on this week’s Drinks With The Deal podcast. As a young lawyer, Luftglass said, he had mentors at his firm as well as people outside of it “who had really good experience and the benefit of distance to give me good advice.”
A litigation partner at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP and vice chairman of the firm, Luftglass said that many older lawyers “are looking for opportunities to pass on what they’ve learned and help guide people’s careers. You need to have your eyes open for those people. When you finish a deposition and a partner from another law firm is small-talking with you afterwards, you should lean into that conversation and ask questions and follow up afterwards and ask to get a cup of coffee or dinner. People are really good about lending support to you in what you’re going through.”
Luftglass, who specializes in Delaware corporate litigation, also discussed the proposed amendments to the state’s corporate law code. “They reflect a recalibration of risk and an assessment of policy incentives,” he said. “When I net everything out, I think the amendments are good for Delaware. The challenge is line-drawing. Whenever you propose line-drawing, people will debate where you’re drawing the line.”
Listen to the podcast with Scott Luftglass below:
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